7 Best Songs about Friday

That wonderful day that signifies the end of a workweek and the beginning of two days of freedom, relaxation, and, for many, a bit of revelry. It’s evident that Friday, as a day, holds a myriad of emotions and stories for different people. And it’s not surprising that Friday became a muse for many musicians.

From pop bops to soulful tunes, Friday has a soundtrack of its own.

1. “Friday I’m in Love” by The Cure

The Gist: A delightful, upbeat track that encapsulates the euphoria associated with Fridays.

Behind the Music: Released in 1992 as part of their album Wish, this song quickly became one of The Cure’s most popular tracks. While many of their songs lean towards the melancholic, “Friday I’m in Love” stands out as an uncharacteristically cheerful anthem. Robert Smith, the lead singer, paints each day of the week with different emotions, but it’s clear that Friday holds a special place in his heart. A modern-day classic, this song embodies the joy and anticipation of a weekend of fun.

2. “Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)” by Katy Perry

The Gist: A pop anthem recounting the antics of a wild Friday night and the aftermath of realizing what went down.

Behind the Music: Katy Perry, with her knack for catchy tunes, dropped this banger in 2010 as part of her Teenage Dream album. It’s a tale of Friday night misadventures – from breaking the law to streaking in the park. The track isn’t just about letting loose; it’s also a nod to the spirit of youth and the kind of memories that are recounted for years. The accompanying music video, filled with 80’s nostalgia and numerous celebrity cameos, amplifies the song’s playful and vivacious vibe.

3. “Friday on My Mind” by The Easybeats

The Gist: A throwback track that talks about the grind of the workweek with the anticipation of Friday freedom.

Behind the Music: Hailing from the 60s, The Easybeats brought forth this gem that resonates with anyone who’s ever looked forward to the weekend. It’s about the monotony of the weekdays and how the promise of Friday keeps us going. George Young and Harry Vanda, the songwriters, brilliantly weave in the anticipation and the eagerness to break free from the daily grind. The line, “More I think of nothing else but Friday on my mind,” sums up the sentiment pretty well.

4. “Thank God It’s Friday” by Love & Kisses

The Gist: A disco classic that truly captures the essence of Friday night escapades.

Behind the Music: Transporting us back to the disco era of the late ‘70s, this track by Love & Kisses was essentially the Friday anthem for the disco-loving crowd. The song was notably featured in the movie of the same name, making it synonymous with dance-filled Friday nights. With its infectious beats and the repetitive “Thank God It’s Friday” chorus, it’s hard not to get caught up in the energy of the track.

5. “Friday” by Rebecca Black

The Gist: A pop song that’s become notorious in pop culture for its simplistic lyrics and depiction of teen life on a Friday.

Behind the Music: When Rebecca Black released “Friday” in 2011, it swiftly went viral, but not all for the right reasons. Critiqued for its simple lyrics and auto-tuned vocals, it nevertheless became an internet sensation. Over time, many have come to appreciate the song for what it is – a light-hearted portrayal of teen anticipation for the weekend.

6. “Black Friday” by Steely Dan

The Gist: Unlike the others, this isn’t an ode to the joys of Friday. Instead, it delves into the chaos and madness of Black Friday, the big shopping day after Thanksgiving.

Behind the Music: From their 1975 album Katy Lied, Steely Dan took a different approach to the theme of Friday. The song tells the story of someone who plans to take advantage of an impending economic collapse. Lyrics like, “When Black Friday comes, I’m gonna stake my claim,” are a brilliant commentary on consumerism and the lengths people will go for a good deal.

7. “Friday Let Me Down” by Hall & Oates

The Gist: A more melancholic take on Fridays, this song delves into the feeling of being let down and heartbroken at the end of the week.

Behind the Music: Hall & Oates, renowned for their soulful tunes and relatable lyrics, present a different shade of Friday in this track from their 1980 album Voices. Instead of the jubilation associated with Fridays, the song touches on the themes of love, betrayal, and disappointment, and how Friday, as a day of revelations, can sometimes bring bad news. “Friday let me down again,” they croon, bringing forth the sentiments of countless people who’ve had their hopes dashed at week’s end.