6 Best Songs About Hell

Hell – a place of eternal damnation, fire, and brimstone, where souls are believed to suffer endless torment. It’s a concept as old as time, cropping up in religious texts, literature, and art.

But what about music?

Hell, with all its fire and fury, inspired artists to create tracks that reflected its heat, despair, and sometimes its evil charm. Over the years, musicians have explored various facets of hell, from its literal fiery depths to its metaphorical representations, such as inner turmoil or societal decay.

They’ve sung about its residents, its gatekeepers, and the journey of souls destined for it. But, more than that, they’ve captured the human emotions associated with it: fear, regret, defiance, and sometimes, a twisted sense of yearning.

So here’s a hot playlist of the best songs about hell!

1. “Highway to Hell” – AC/DC

This iconic rock anthem, with its unforgettable guitar riffs and energetic vocals, is a celebration of the wild, rebellious spirit.

While the title might suggest a descent into damnation, the song, in essence, is about living life on one’s own terms, unapologetically and with gusto. The “highway” is a metaphor for the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle, filled with its challenges, excesses, and undeniable allure.

AC/DC’s declaration of being on the “Highway to Hell” isn’t an admission of guilt; it’s a bold assertion of their unyielding spirit.

2. “Burn in Hell” – Twisted Sister

From their “Stay Hungry” album, Twisted Sister’s “Burn in Hell” is an energetic metal anthem.

Frontman Dee Snider starts the song with a dark monologue, addressing those who live without conscience or care for others, and then the track takes off with a foreboding message. The chorus, “You’re gonna burn in hell,” is a warning about the consequences of one’s actions and choices.

The song is a theatrical take on the age-old theme of retribution and karma, infused with Twisted Sister’s signature flamboyance and flair.

3. “Hell’s Bells” – AC/DC

Yes, AC/DC makes the list again, and why not? They’ve got a knack for churning out tracks that reverberate with the energy of the underworld.

“Hell’s Bells” starts with the ominous tolling of a bell, setting the tone for a song that delves into themes of vengeance and retribution.

The song serves as a warning, a proclamation of the storm that’s coming, echoed in the lyrics, “I’ll give you black sensations up and down your spine.”

4. “Bat Out of Hell” – Meat Loaf

This epic rock ballad, with its operatic undertones and soaring vocals, paints a vivid picture of a desperate escape, akin to a “bat out of hell.”

With its rich narrative and emotive performance, the song touches upon themes of love, loss, and the inexorable passage of time.

It’s a poignant reflection on life’s fleeting moments and the lengths one would go to hold onto them, even if it means speeding away like a “bat out of hell” to escape the inevitable.

5. “Hell Is for Children” – Pat Benatar

This powerful track by Pat Benatar touches upon a hell of a different kind – the hell that abused children endure.

With its poignant lyrics and Benatar’s passionate vocals, the song sheds light on the horrors of child abuse, urging society to acknowledge and address this grave issue.

It’s a haunting reminder that sometimes, hell isn’t just a fiery realm beneath the earth; it can be a painful reality that many endure.

6. “Run Like Hell” – Pink Floyd

From their monumental album “The Wall”, Pink Floyd’s “Run Like Hell” isn’t directly about the underworld, but the hellish atmosphere created by the track’s haunting lyrics and ominous guitar riffs certainly invoke a sense of impending doom.

The song warns listeners with lines like “You better run like hell” and paints a picture of paranoia and impending chaos.

The track, with its eerie soundscape, manages to capture the feeling of being chased or pursued, possibly by one’s own inner demons.