Hereditary Soundtrack

Hereditary Soundtrack

Hereditary” is a film that’s been dubbed a modern horror masterpiece, and for good reason. The haunting narrative, the exceptional performances, the eerie visuals. But what truly amplifies every emotion is its soundtrack.

About the Movie.

“Hereditary” isn’t just a film; it’s an experience. A chilling, heart-wrenching, and at times, utterly terrifying experience.

At its core, it’s a story about a family grappling with grief and the dark secrets that come to light following a tragic loss. Director Ari Aster masterfully intertwines the family’s personal traumas with supernatural occurrences, resulting in a narrative that keeps you on the edge of your seat, constantly guessing what’s real and what’s not.

Every scene is meticulously crafted to create an atmosphere of dread. The characters are real, their pain palpable, and their descent into chaos harrowing to watch. As the plot unfolds, the lines between reality and the supernatural blur, leaving viewers in a state of unease, questioning everything they see.

It’s a psychological thriller that delves deep into the human mind and the horrors that lurk within.

About the Composer.

When it comes to horror movies, the soundtrack is often what gives you those goosebumps, and makes your heart race. Think about some of the most iconic horror soundtracks out there – the suspenseful strings of “Jaws” or the eerie piano of “Halloween.”

What makes “Hereditary” stand out in this illustrious company? The sheer genius of Stetson and Kleiner.

Colin Stetson and Rob Kleiner – two names that might not ring a bell immediately, but when you listen to the “Hereditary” soundtrack, you’ll realize the genius behind these names. Their fusion of experimental sounds, traditional instruments, and unexpected rhythms takes the movie to another level. The haunting melodies, the atmospheric pauses, the unsettling tones – every element of their music is designed to echo the film’s narrative, intensifying every emotion.

List of Hereditary Soundtracks

  1. “Funeral”
  2. “Mothers & Daughters”
  3. “Brother & Sister”
  4. “Charlie”
  5. “Party, Crash”
  6. “Mourning”
  7. “Aftermath”
  8. “Séance Sleepwalking”
  9. “Second Séance, Pt. 1”
  10. “Second Séance, Pt. 2”
  11. “Second Séance, Pt. 3”
  12. “Classroom”
  13. “Dreaming”
  14. “Book Burning”
  15. “Joanie”
  16. “Get Out”
  17. “Leigh’s Things”
  18. “Steve”
  19. “Peter”
  20. “Chasing Peter”
  21. “The Attic”
  22. “Reborn”
  23. “Hail, Paimon!”