Insidious Soundtrack

Now, we all have those movies that stick with us, right? You know the ones – they creep into your mind late at night, making every creak in your house sound ten times louder and every shadow twice as menacing. In the world of horror, “Insidious” stands out as one of those films. And while its gripping storyline, and unforgettable characters play a significant role, there’s an unsung hero behind the scenes that amps up the terror: the soundtrack.

About the Movie

Released in 2010, this Australian-American film took everyone by storm, proving that you don’t need a huge budget to make audiences sleep with their lights on. The genius behind this horror masterpiece is James Wan.

The film unravels the tale of the Lambert family as they navigate through a series of increasingly terrifying paranormal events. When their son Dalton inexplicably falls into a coma and the family starts witnessing eerie events, they begin to realize this isn’t just about their house being haunted. There’s something far more personal and sinister at play.

Composer: Joseph Bishara

Composed by the incredibly talented Joseph Bishara, the score of “Insidious” is, in simple terms, a masterclass in horror music.

He brilliantly used atonal modern classical music, giving the film its distinctive, hair-raising vibe.

Interestingly, a lot of the score’s creation involved exploration and improvisation. Bishara began with basic sketches on paper, musical ideas, and notes. He then rented a piano and, with some help from friends, recorded most of the music overnight. The majority of the score was performed live by a quartet, bringing a raw, organic feel to the soundtrack.

List of Tracks “Insidious”

  1. The Insidious Plane
  2. Insidious
  3. Give It Time
  4. Unawakened (Movement 1)
  5. Unawakened (Movement 2)
  6. Voices in the Static
  7. It Said It Was A Visitor
  8. Hallway Twins
  9. Hooves for Feet
  10. The Further
  11. Broken Open
  12. Gas Mask Vision
  13. Muted Whisperings
  14. Leave This Vessel
  15. Night Terror
  16. Bring Him Back
  17. Into the Further
  18. Into the Lair
  19. He’s Looking At Us
  20. They’re Coming Through
  21. Slithers Into Fog
  22. The Child Awake
  23. A New World
  24. Dark Boundaries Crossed
  25. Void Figure 7
  26. Void Moment Suite