Music From Psycho

Music From Psycho

“Psycho” broke boundaries and redefined the horror genre. But what would it be without its unforgettable score. The man behind this musical magic? Bernard Herrmann. Hitchcock had such faith in Herrmann that he insisted on him composing the score, even though Herrmann initially hesitated due to the film’s modest budget. And it’s a good thing he came on board because the collaboration resulted in what Christopher Palmer described as “perhaps Herrmann’s most spectacular Hitchcock achievement.” Hitchcock himself credited a whopping 33% of the film’s impact to the music.

Herrmann’s genius lay in his ability to maximize the effect within a limited budget. Instead of a full-fledged orchestra, he opted for a string orchestra. And while Hitchcock had originally envisioned a jazz score, what we got was something far more impactful.

List of “Psycho” Soundtracks

  1. Prelude
  2. The City
  3. Marion
  4. Marion And Sam
  5. Temptation
  6. Flight
  7. Patrol Car
  8. The Car Lot
  9. The Package
  10. The Rainstorm
  11. Hotel Room
  12. The Window
  13. The Parlor
  14. The Madhouse
  15. The Peephole
  16. The Bathroom
  17. The Murder
  18. The Body
  19. The Office
  20. The Curtain
  21. The Water
  22. The Car
  23. Cleanup
  24. The Swamp
  25. The Search
  26. The Shadow
  27. Phone Booth
  28. The Porch
  29. The Stairs
  30. The Knife
  31. The Search [B]
  32. The First Floor
  33. Cabin 10
  34. Cabin 1
  35. The Hill
  36. The Bedroom
  37. The Toys
  38. The Cellar
  39. Discovery
  40. Finale