Saw Soundtrack

Picture this: You’re trapped in a room. It’s dark, and the only sound you can hear is the ticking of a clock. Suddenly, there’s a scratchy voice coming from a tape recorder, and you realize that your fate is sealed unless you play a twisted game. This is the world of “Saw”, a film that redefined the horror genre. But what truly made “Saw” an unforgettable experience was its soundtrack.

About the Composer

Charlie Clouser is no stranger to the world of spine-tingling soundtracks. His ability to combine bone-chilling sounds with the right amount of drama and suspense is what sets him apart.

The film also featured tracks from Front Line Assembly, Fear Factory, Enemy, Pitbull Daycare, and Psychopomps. And while Megadeth’s “Die Dead Enough” was originally slated to make an appearance, it was eventually left out for reasons that remain a mystery.

List of “Saw” Soundtracks

  1. Tape Deck
  2. Name/Clock/Play
  3. Hello, Mark
  4. Reverse Beartrap
  5. Are You Daddy?
  6. Drill & Trap
  7. X Marks
  8. Cigarette
  9. Out Of Time
  10. Tapp & Zepp
  11. Fuck This Shit (A)
  12. Fuck This Shit (B)
  13. The Rules
  14. Be Alright
  15. Hello Zepp
  16. Zepp Overture