The Ring Songs

The Ring Soundtrack

Released in 2002, “The Ring” not only reinvented the horror genre for a new generation but also introduced us to a soundtrack that was hauntingly beautiful and chilling at the same time.

Imagine a world where dread is omnipresent, where every turn of the page, every flicker of the TV, every innocuous ring of the telephone could signal something terrifying. That’s the world “The Ring” introduced us to.

The film’s story, revolving around a cursed videotape that brings death to its viewer in seven days, was undeniably spine-chilling. But what accentuated its terror, what made it linger in our minds, was its soundtrack. It was the kind of music that seemed to seep into the very walls of the room, making you feel that something was lurking just out of sight.

The musical genius behind “The Ring” is none other than Hans Zimmer. Now, if you’re not familiar with his name, you’ve definitely heard his music. He’s the brain behind some of the most memorable film scores out there. Think “Lion King”, “Pirates of the Caribbean”, and “Inception”, to name just a few. And for “The Ring”, Zimmer collaborated with director Gore Verbinski, a partnership that would continue for many more projects.

The intriguing bit about the soundtrack for “The Ring” is that it wasn’t released immediately after the film’s debut in 2002. Instead, it made its appearance in 2005, right alongside the soundtrack for its sequel, “The Ring Two.”

The score is rich, atmospheric, and immersive. It masterfully uses string instruments, pianos, and synthesizers to create a soundscape that’s as mysterious and haunting as the film itself.

List of Soundtracks “The Ring”

  1. “The Well”
  2. “Before You Die You See the Ring”
  3. “This Is Going to Hurt”
  4. “Burning Tree”
  5. “Not Your Mommy”
  6. “Shelter Mountain”
  7. “The Ferry”
  8. “I’ll Follow Your Voice”
  9. “She Never Sleeps (Remix)”
  10. “Let the Dead Get In (Remix)”
  11. “Seven Days (Remix)”
  12. “Television (Remix)”