10 Best Songs About School

Whether you loved your school days or couldn’t wait to escape those prison-like walls, one thing is undeniable: school forms an integral part of our memories.

It’s no surprise that numerous artists across generations have penned songs that either commemorate, criticize, or cheekily reference those youthful days.

Let’s take a walk down memory lane with some of the best songs about school.

1. “School’s Out” by Alice Cooper

This rock anthem from the ‘70s probably comes to mind when you think about songs related to school.

Alice Cooper declares what every student feels at the end of the academic year – that freedom which comes with the ringing of the last bell! The song critiques the school system, suggesting that it doesn’t always teach what’s needed in the real world.

An interesting fact: Cooper said that the inspiration for this song was the last three minutes of the last day of school.

2. “Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)” by Pink Floyd

Not just a song but an era-defining anthem, Pink Floyd’s track from “The Wall” album voiced a generation’s feelings about the oppressive school system.

With its chorus of kids singing, “We don’t need no education”, it critiqued the strict, sometimes abusive, British schooling of the time. The song portrays school as just another brick in the wall of the system.

An interesting fact: Roger Waters, the genius behind these lyrics, drew from his personal experiences, recalling his school days as being more about conformity than learning.

3. “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” by The Police

This track brings the teacher-student relationship under the spotlight, diving deep into the controversial territory of forbidden attractions in school. While the topic might be taboo, The Police’s knack for catchy melodies made it a hit in the early ‘80s.

An interesting fact: Sting, who was once a teacher before his rockstar days, paints a vivid picture with his lyrics, hints at the complexities and dilemmas of such situations.

4. “Hot for Teacher” by Van Halen

With a killer guitar intro, thumping drums, and David Lee Roth’s unmistakable vocals, this song is all about a young boy’s infatuation with his teacher.

Fun fact: The video for this song, set in a school, is as iconic as the track itself, with the band members portraying both students and teachers!

5. “Be True to Your School” by The Beach Boys

Let’s inject some school pride into our list!

This Beach Boys‘ hit is all about school spirit. It’s a love letter to the days of pep rallies, football games, and teenage camaraderie.

The song encourages listeners to show loyalty to their school, just as they would to a girl or a guy.

6. “The Headmaster Ritual” by The Smiths

“The Headmaster Ritual” delves into the darker side of British school life. Its lyrics speak of bullying headmasters and a system that feels more repressive than educational.

Morrissey’s poignant voice combined with Johnny Marr’s jangly guitar makes it one of The Smiths’ standout tracks.

An interesting fact: Morrissey himself hated his school days, which played a significant role in the conception of this song.

7. “Fifteen” by Taylor Swift

Let’s head to high school with Taylor Swift!

Remember those days of first loves, heartbreaks, and trying to find your place in the grand spectrum of high school cliques?

“Fifteen” is a heartfelt ode to those tumultuous teenage years. Taylor captures the essence of being a high school freshman, the excitement, the disappointments, and most of all, the life lessons.

8. “Graduation (Friends Forever)” by Vitamin C

Vitamin C’s “Graduation” is a perfect song for year-end slideshows and graduation ceremonies.

It’s a bittersweet reflection on school days gone by and the uncertainty of the future. We’ve all wondered where life would take us and our friends after those school gates close for the last time.

9. “We Rule The School” by Belle and Sebastian

Dripping with melancholy, this indie track from Belle and Sebastian is for those who felt like outsiders during their school years.

It’s a gentle, reassuring tune that no matter how challenging school might seem, there’s a vast world outside waiting for you.

10. “High School Never Ends” by Bowling For Soup

This pop-punk track gives a witty take on the idea that the dynamics we experience in high school – the cliques, the drama, the heartbreaks – never really change; they just evolve into grown-up versions in the real world.

The song humorously points out that even after graduation, life can still feel very much like high school.