8 Best Songs About Underdogs

At some point or another, we’ve all felt underestimated or faced insurmountable challenges.

The beauty of the underdog story lies in its testament to human resilience, determination, and the sheer will to keep pushing forward.

Is there a tale more inspiring than that of someone rising from the ashes, defying odds, and proving naysayers wrong?

Well, here are some of the most iconic songs dedicated to underdogs:

1. “Lose Yourself” – Eminem

Few artists encapsulate the spirit of the underdog as Eminem does. Born Marshall Mathers, he had a tumultuous childhood marked by poverty, bullying, and battles with addiction.

“Lose Yourself” is arguably his magnum opus, a track that vividly paints the picture of a young rapper’s hustle, the challenges he faces, and the burning desire to break free and make a mark.

With lines like “You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow,” the song is a rallying cry for anyone looking to seize their moment.

2. “Started from the Bottom” – Drake

Hip-hop, as a genre, has churned out countless rags-to-riches stories, and Drake’s “Started from the Bottom” stands out in this narrative.

The song chronicles his journey from obscurity to stardom, highlighting the challenges and naysayers he faced along the way.

It’s a raw, unfiltered account of an artist’s grind, making it a must-listen for every budding underdog.

3. “Underdog” – Alicia Keys

In a soulful blend of pop, R&B, and reggae, Alicia Keys’s “Underdog” is a heartfelt tribute to everyday heroes.

The song celebrates those who often go unnoticed, the ones who face life’s adversities with grace and come out stronger.

It’s a gentle reminder that every underdog has their day.

4. “Loser” – Beck

With its iconic opening line, “In the time of chimpanzees, I was a monkey,” this ‘90s anthem by Beck delves into feelings of inadequacy and being out of place.

The repetitive chorus, “I’m a loser, baby, so why don’t you kill me?” underlines the artist’s self-deprecating sense of humor about his own outsider status.

5. “Creep” – Radiohead

Thom Yorke’s hauntingly beautiful voice croons the lines, “I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo,” resonating with everyone who’s ever felt out of place or unworthy.

“Creep” by Radiohead is an anthem for the underdog, the outsider, the one who watches from the shadows, never quite fitting in.

It’s a brutally honest portrayal of self-loathing and the yearning to be “special.”

6. “The Underdog” – Spoon

While the melody might sound upbeat, Spoon’s “The Underdog” offers an unembellished look at the life of an underdog.

The lyrics paint a picture of someone who’s always on the periphery, overlooked and underestimated.

But there’s also an underlying theme of contentment and acceptance, a kind of defiance in embracing the underdog status.

7. “People Are Strange” – The Doors

Jim Morrison’s poignant reflection on feeling out of place, “People Are Strange” is a timeless track that captures the essence of being an outsider.

Lines like “When you’re strange, faces come out of the rain, when you’re strange, no one remembers your name,” evoke the loneliness and alienation that many underdogs and “losers” often feel.

8. “Nobody” – Mitski

In “Nobody,” Mitski delves deep into feelings of loneliness and longing for human connection.

The track is a heartbreaking portrayal of an underdog, someone who, despite their desires and efforts, remains unseen and unloved.

Mitski’s powerful voice coupled with the evocative lyrics makes this a poignant anthem for every underdog who’s ever felt isolated.

So, these tracks encapsulate the essence of the underdog without sugarcoating their journey. They provide solace and company for those moments when one feels at odds with the world.

Music like this reminds us that it’s okay to be different, and there’s beauty in embracing one’s unique, unpolished self.

Remember, every underdog has their day, and with a little faith and a lot of hard work, that day might just be today.