
Ambient Folk

Ambient Folk

Ambient Folk is a subgenre of music that marries the atmospheric textures of ambient music with the traditional and narrative elements of folk.

Psychedelic Folk

Psychedelic Folk

Psychedelic Folk emerged in the mid-1960s as a hybrid genre, blending the traditional folk music with the psychedelic rock.

pagan folk

Pagan Folk

Pagan Folk is a genre of music that draws inspiration from ancient pagan rituals, beliefs, and stories. It combines traditional folk melodies, instruments, and themes with more contemporary sounds and styles.

Dark Folk 1

Folk Noir

Folk Noir is a genre, which combines the rustic charm of folk music with dark, moody atmospheres, evoking a sense of melancholy and introspection.

Dark Folk

Dark Folk

Dark Folk is a musical genre characterized by its dark, melancholic, and often ethereal atmosphere. Emerging from post-punk and industrial movements in the 1980s, it carries an aura of ancient traditions and mysticism.

Martial Industrial

Martial Industrial

Martial Industrial is a musical genre that merges the atmospheres of industrial music with martial and neoclassical elements.

neo folk


Neofolk is a captivating subgenre of music that fuses elements from traditional folk with more modern sounds, themes, and atmospheres.