Top 10 Cake Cutting Songs For Wedding

Cake Cutting Songs For Wedding

We all know the cake cutting moment at weddings is not just about that decadent slice of confectionery goodness, right? It’s about the romance, the shared smiles, and the song that plays in the background setting the entire mood.

If you’re on the hunt for the perfect cake-cutting song, then you’ve landed in the right place!

1. “Sugar, Sugar” by The Archies

The Gist: Could there be a more appropriate title? This poppy tune is just as sweet as it sounds and gives the cake cutting a fun and playful vibe.

Behind the Music: Released in 1969, “Sugar, Sugar” was a chart-topper and remains one of the most iconic bubblegum pop songs. Its catchy lyrics and rhythm make it a popular choice for that sugary moment in weddings.

2. “How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)” by Marvin Gaye

The Gist: This soulful classic is all about cherishing love and companionship, making it a fitting background score for the cake cutting ceremony.

Behind the Music: Released in 1964, this Motown classic oozes with Marvin Gaye’s signature soulful touch. The lyrics celebrate the beauty of love and how sweet it is to be loved.

3. “Love and Marriage” by Frank Sinatra

The Gist: Ol’ Blue Eyes serenading a newlywed couple during their cake cutting? Perfection. The song captures the essence of love leading to marriage.

Behind the Music: This 1955 classic, while a tad cheeky, beautifully delineates the bond between love and matrimony. Its swing rhythm and Sinatra’s smooth voice make it a timeless choice for weddings.

4. “Cut the Cake” by Average White Band

The Gist: The title says it all! This funky track can literally instruct the couple while setting a groovy mood for the guests.

Behind the Music: A hit from the 70s, “Cut the Cake” by the Scottish funk band is not originally about weddings but about celebrating good times.

5. “Pour Some Sugar On Me” by Def Leppard

The Gist: For the rock-loving couples out there, this track adds a dash of edgy fun to the cake-cutting ceremony.

Behind the Music: This 1987 rock anthem isn’t about cakes or weddings. But its catchy chorus and the metaphorical sugar just work so well for this sweet moment.

6. “Sweetest Thing” by U2

The Gist: A melodic track that pairs perfectly with the sweetness of the moment.

Behind the Music: Bono wrote this song as an apology to his wife for forgetting her birthday. Its gentle melodies make it apt for a cake cutting scene.

7. “Cake By The Ocean” by DNCE

The Gist: An upbeat track that can add a contemporary flair to the traditional cake-cutting ceremony.

Behind the Music: While the lyrics might be a tad risqué, the catchy chorus and the undeniable beat can set a fun, lively tone. Just the title itself makes it a favorite among couples.

8. “I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)” by Four Tops

The Gist: This classic Motown hit is all about being utterly in love, so much so that you can’t help but express it.

Behind the Music: The soulful voices of the Four Tops and the catchy chorus of “Sugar Pie Honey Bunch” make it a delightful pick for the cake-cutting moment.

9. “Marry You” by Bruno Mars

The Gist: It’s a feel-good, whimsical song about taking the plunge and just getting married. Perfectly captures the joy of impromptu decisions made in love.

Behind the Music: Bruno Mars, with his signature voice and style, makes it a popular choice for various wedding festivities, including the cake ceremony.

10. “Sweet Creature” by Harry Styles

The Gist: A tender track that speaks of love and its complexities.

Behind the Music: With its gentle guitar strums and heartfelt lyrics, this song from Harry Styles’ debut solo album can add a touch of modern romance to your cake-cutting moment.

The cake-cutting ceremony, while short, is one of the many significant highlights of a wedding. And having the right song can elevate this experience manifold.

To all the engaged lovebirds out there, choosing a cake-cutting song is just like picking the flavor of your wedding cake – it has to resonate with you.

Remember, it’s these little details that make your big day all the more special!